Friday, February 15, 2008

Common Confirms Justice League Involvement

From the first time Clark Kent walked into a phone booth mild mannered and walked out able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, the concept of superheroes having dual identities has been almost as important to the genre as the superpowers themselves. Not so for John Stewart, Earth’s fourth Green Lantern and sometimes member of the “Justice League of America” — one of the more prominent heroes to choose not to wear a mask.

Now the actor who was cast to play him is pulling back his.

Long rumored to be in contention for the role, Common confirmed to MTV News for the first time publically that he was cast in the now dormant film, calling being picked for the role “an honor.”

“It’s a blessing really, to know that I could potentially be this superhero,” he enthused. “Justice League itself is an honor, and Green Lantern is an incredible character to play. It’s a blessing to be associated with it.”

In particular, Common felt it was a special privilege to be the cast’s only black super.

“Just being a black person, a black man, playing a superhero is an honor in itself,” he smiled.

Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice: Last month the superhero tag team fell to a foe even greater than Lex Luther or Darkseid, the villainous organization known simply as the WGA. But while the film may have been momentarily shelved, Common still sees it moving forward relatively soon, declining to discuss plot details since it was still “in progress.”

Source: MTV Movies

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